Wed 9 Jan 2019 7:30pm

Rod will entertain us ....

I have worked up a comprehensive projected lecture with lots and lots of photographs from many people.  Even if you don't want to learn about composition I think you will enjoy the pictures.   I will display some of my older prints but there may not be much time to talk about them.

Gracefield Arts Centre
28 Edinburgh Rd


What hand-in is this please?

The next hand in date for PDI and Prints is now 17th January.  The best way to check the competition timetable is via 'Enter Competitions'.  I have deleted the hand in symbol from the 9th January.

Probably, there won't now be much time to talk about my prints but I will display some of my older stuff.

Club Draw - New Year, New Draw

£1 a go, thank-you and Good Luck.

Sorry cant make it tonight 

missed nothing much.  :)

Thanks for good talk last night - really appreciated - huge amount of work has gone in to it

Thanks Jean